Hubbard is a big boy named for a big squash. Today, at five and a half weeks, he weighs 9 pounds 5 ounces. He and Pumpkin vie for top place among the heavy weights -one day Pumpkin is heavier, the next Hubbard.
Hubba Hubba is a brindle boy with longish fluffy fur which appears to have a grayish hue mixed in with the brindle - perhaps foretelling an undercoat. Given his size, he will be a big dog. When I looked at growth charts for various breeds, he and Pumpkin both match the average weight for 5-6 week old Newfoundlander pups or Mastiff pups. They are considerably bigger than their eight littermates.
Like most of his siblings, Hubbard has a black muzzle. He also has a flash of white on his chest, and one white-tipped toe. He has sad, slightly droopy eyes, and his legs appear midlength - neither long and gangly nor short and stubby.
Hubbs is the pup who worries me the most. He is quite lethargic - very occasionally engaging in play but tiring quickly and going off by himself for a nap. He often whimpers after meals, and his heart rate is always very, very rapid compared to his siblings. He will, of course, be checked by a vet when he goes for his neuter. My best guess - though I have no medical training - is a heart murmur. This is not uncommon in dogs and not usually a life threatening situation, but certainly a concern.
Hubbard was mostly nonresponsive to his photoshoot, despite my best efforts to get some lively shots by squeeking toys and whistling - this is fairly typical of Hubbard who prefers to just lie quietly and watch the world go by. He is a sweet, sweet boy.
Hubbard being unimpressed with squeeky toy
Hubbard standing
I don' wanna play, fank you.
Cuddling Hubbard
Hubbard in a Basket
Being Coy

(Hubbard is one of ten pups I am fostering for the Cowichan and District SPCA. Each is being featured in a seperate blog entry. The pups and their mama, Lucy, will be available for adoption shortly. All applications should go to the Cowichan and District SPCA. More information on Lucy and the pups can be found by reading the past two months' blog entries - starting September 11/2010 for Lucy and October 1/2010 for the pups. If you are considering adopting Lucy, feel free to email me with any questions you have about her personality and behaviour, using the link on the side of this blog. )
I've been looking at your pups and I too think they look like mastiff pups. i've had 2 mastiff puppies and this boy looks just like one of ours. the weight is about right. as for the laziness, this is typical behavoir but worth checking.
I just love Hubbard. If I were retired, I would be so-o tempted. Sure hope he'll be fine! Thanks for these individual portrayals of the pups. i really enjoy them.
Jean, you are KILLING me with these puppy profiles!
Puppy breath, puppy snuggles, arms full of puppies!!
They are soo adorable! And so is Lucy!
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