I do not like the wind to blow,
I do not like ice on the ground,
I do not like it all around.
I do not like it here or there,
I do not like it anywhere.
I love the snow I really do!
I will eat it from the ground,
And I will eat it on a mound,
And on a plate and on a plank,
And I will eat it from a tank.

The snow is cold, says foster mum.
Cold makes my toes and fingers numb.
I do not like it in the air,
I do not like it in my hair,
Or in my ears or throat or nose
Or freezing up my garden hose.
I do not like this cold and snow,
This winter weather has to go!
I love the snow and cold, I do!
I don’t know what is wrong with you.
The snow is good to eat, you see,
And it turns yellow when I pee,
And yellow is just like the sun
Which makes me want to run and run.
I love the snow, I truly do,
Or my name isn’t Lucy Lou!

I do not like it on a Sunday,
I do not like it on a Monday.
I do not like it in the fall,
I do not like it, not at all.
I do not like it in this rhyme,
I do not like it any time.
I love the cold, I love the snow,
I love it when the wind does blow.
I eat the ice that’s on the ground,
I eat the snow that’s all around.
I love the snow, I really do!
And wind and cold, says Lucy Lou.

I do not like the cold and snow
I do not like it, high or low
Not on the ground, not in the air
I do not like it anywhere
The cold is nice, says Lucy Lou.
I love the cold, I really do!
It makes me jump, it makes me smile,
It makes me want to run a mile.

I do not like this awful snow.
I do not like it, it must go!
It makes me cold and shivery.
It all belongs in Calgary.
In Calgary, they do not mind,
They like to have a cold behind,
And frozen toes and hands and knees*.
It should go there, so I won’t freeze!
Please, Foster mama, don’t be blue!
I will snuggle up to you.
I’ll keep you warm, I’ll share your bed,
I’ll warm your toes, I’ll warm your head.
I like the cold and wind and snow,
I really like it, that I know.
But if you don’t, then Lucy Lou
Will have to take good care of you!

Aw Lucy Lou, you are so kind.
If you’ll do that, then I won’t mind
If it is cold and there is snow
And all around the wind does blow.
If you will cuddle up with me,
And you will keep me company
Then I will not be sad and blue,
For I’ll be warm just cuddling you.
*(With apologies to my friend, two-legged Charlie, who lives in Calgary and hates being cold!)
I just had my bed-time story.
LOVE it!
(I tried to come up with some sort of rhyming response, but can't do it--too cold!)
*clap* *clap* *clap*
Marvelous post!!!
You are so talented ... & patient & kind & handy & funny &. &. &. &......
Love, love, love it!!!
Jean that is just great and so funny.
Lucy and Tess did have a good time didn't they. Snow doesn't bother them at all LOL
good one!!!!
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