Sunday, November 8, 2015

Down a Country Road

My friend Pat and I took the poms, Cosmo and Lexi, for a walk down a quiet country road today.  Along the way, we made some new friends. We saw some cows in a field, but too far off to introduce ourselves.  These three horses,  at least one of which had been rolling in the mud, only gave us a passing nod before resuming their interrupted afternoon snack.

Soon we saw a couple of donkeys who were as interested in looking at us as we were at them:

Hey! Who are those people?

They shared their field with some sheep, and soon they trotted over to say hello:

We better check this out!

The poms were on their best behaviour - they didn't bark even once!  The donkeys were quite curious about the little fluffballs on leashes:

Hmmm....what is this fluffball?

Meerkat?  Skunk?  

I dunno what he is, but that smells like Cookie Breath to me!

Lexi wasn't quite as enamored as Cosmo, but soon decided to say hello too:

Hello Mr. Donkey
Please don't eat me!

I took a few more photos of the sheep, with their lovely faces that always seem so full of grace and serenity:

Then it was back up the road, admiring the old farm buildings and the beautiful fall leaves:

Countryside in fall colours

1 comment:

Marie said...

That looks like a lovely area for a walk with friends, thanks for sharing.
Love the farm critter's curiosity!