On Wednesday when I was looking for a couch, I saw a tile bistro table I absolutely loved. Correction: LOVED. UPPER CASE LETTER LOVED. It’s not often that I LOVE anything except animals or nature or a very few special people in my life. Certainly not material artifacts. But I LOVED this table. It warmed the cockles of my teeny tiny miserly trying-to-be-frugal heart.
However, I didn’t need a bisto table. It was unspeakably expensive for such a little item. And doG knows I have enough expenses right now, what with renos and moving costs and a few badly-needed pieces of furniture and appliances. Besides, yesterday I noticed antifreeze dripping from my car, took it in to the only local mechanic in my new community, and spent $500 getting the waterpump replaced. Ouch.
That settled it. No bistro table.
Today I went back to buy the clearance-sale couch on which I had finally decided. The manager was there. And I was able to get the couch for an additional $200 off. Bonus! An absolutely amazing “saddle” style reclining couch that hugs your body as you leaaaaannnnn baaaackkkkkkk to watch your favourite show or read your favourite book, for 50% of the original price - and well within the budget I had set.
And the washer/dryer combo I thought I was buying proved too big for the space. So I would get a smaller, simpler one instead – which meant a bit more of a saving.
And so I caved. Gave into temptation. I bought the table. Okay, so it still cost more than the additional $200 I saved on the couch and the anticipated saving on the washer/dryer, but heck.....sometimes you just have to say “I’M WORTH IT!”
As I backed out of the store’s parking lot, my New Love safely tucked into the back of my car.....I saw it. Antifreeze. Stop. Get out. Look under car. Drips of green coming from the very same place they were coming from yesterday. Mop up antifreeze so some unsuspecting cat or dog doesn’t die from my misfortune (antifreeze is very attractive to animals, and VERY poisonous – unless you use the petsafe version, which the garage didn’t carry). Limp back to the garage.
This time they tell me it is the radiator – and I can see the rusted oozing hole with my own eyes. Despite the fact that I now suspect the water pump was never broken in the first place (who has a water pump and a radiator go one day apart, both with the exact same leak spot??), I left the car there for repairs – the only game in town when the car is no longer safe to drive without risking further damage. With luck it may be ready next Thursday (there is apparently no radiator for my vehicle available anywhere in this area), and will cost me another $400.
Drive back to the new house in the loaner car (thank goodness!). Phone rings - the appliance place with the price on the smaller version of the washer/dryer combo. Smaller version will cost $400 MORE than the bigger one. Go figure.
So.....I bought a table I didn't NEED, and got zapped with unexpected, more urgent expenses of at least $800.
I'll just keep telling myself I’m worth it.

You are. It is gorgeous. It will brighten up any corner in the house or outside and mske you feel good to look at it. Think of it as a housewarming gift to yourself.
Big Sis
This can be your soemthing 'good' out of something bad ;o)) Adn it is very very "good" ;o))
I love it!!
It is lovely Jean and you deserve it. just think how lovely it will be sitting at it and having your morning coffee. It will brighten even a cloudy day up.
I'm so sorry you got zapped, but very glad you bought that beautiful table. It will give you pleasure long after the other bills have been forgotten.
(A bike with a trailer for the dogs might cut expenses if it comes down to the table or the car:)
I absolutely LOVE it too!!! It is a beautiful accent piece that will catch everyone's eye and just make them smile and dream of far away places. When the Whippetboyz and I come over I shall bring some wonderful Italian Bakery treats and we'll enjoy our coffee Tuscan style. Can't wait...
it's beautiful and you are worth it.
think of it as an investment! Was that painted by a local artist perhaps?
What a stunning piece of furniture! Where can I get one? I think you were meant to have it as compensation for the other not-nearly-so-fun expenses. Enjoy it without remorse!!
Deb S.
I tried to find them online to learn more about them. (Silly me, I should have asked more questions). The place I got it from, in Duncan, sells "fine Canadian furniture", and there's nothing to indicate this is imported. The top is tile (heavy!) and I'm guessing the artwork is resin. I'm assured it won't fade if left outside.
Deb, when you come to visit, I can take you there - they had three different ones. I'm told they are very limited production pieces, all handcrafted.
it is a beautiful table. :)
I. hate. car troubles. They're the worst.
It's a one-of-a-kind piece of art, not just a table.
Good for you Jean, you not only deserve it, but it deserves to live in your new home!
Oh.My. Gosh.
Beautiful table....and you deserve it Jean.
( dang car repairs!!)
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