Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The hardest part of visiting the piggies.....

Hi Foster Mama! Didya bring us a present???????

....is tearing myself away to return home!

I took a truckload of stuff to Hearts on Noses yesterday - barn and piggy supplies I no longer need but knew would be useful there - and of course stopped for a visit with Scotch and Soda and the pigsters. My plan was just to stay a few minutes, as I still have a ton of work packing and sorting and cleaning in preparation for the move, not to mention all those changes of addresses, cancellations of services, etc. etc. etc.

But.....there is no such thing as a "quick visit" to my piggies. After all, what normal person could turn their back on this?:

I luvs my bruver!

or this?

or these?

Scotch gave me the cold shoulder at first, even when I sang him his song and tried to give him a belly rub. He backed over to the gate and stood there watching (maybe he was just waiting for me to take him "home"!), but as I sat chatting with Whisper and RobRoy and rubbing their bellies, he gradually came round and I suddenly felt the familiar little nudge of his snouty on my back. Moments later he was lying beside me receiving his belly rub and softly snoring in the sunshine.

The piggies demolished the bags of chopped veggies and fruit I brought them, and with the exception of my velcro pigs who settled down for a snooze on my feet, dispersed to have an after-brunch nap in the sun. I eventually tore myself away and spent the day cleaning up the old barn ready for the next tenant, hauling stuff to the dump (including one item which I suspect Allie the Cat will tell you all about in an upcoming post), getting moving boxes and tape and paper, and trying in vain to get hold of a real live person at the various utilities companies so I can let them know I'm moving. What the heck happened to the "SERVICE" in Customer Service?????

Today it's medical appointments, a cup of coffee with one friend, a glass of scotch with another, pick up the last of my boxes from the office and hand in the keys, and home in time to pass on two stall mats to dp. It will be a full day, and just part of a very full week.

But it's off to a great start with lots of piggy luvins' and snouty faces.


Janice Gillett said...

It was like Christmas with a new manure fork, post digger, tarps and tubs and piggy pools. So many goodies, thank you and I won't bore your readers with more of the list but that was fun with so much awesome stuff!! ;o)))

Jean i hope you know that when you come here I leave you alone them as I don't want to take up your precious time with your babies. It msut be difficult to see someone else(me) stepping into your postion now with them.

Black Jack's Carol said...

I can imagine quite a range or emotions as you visit your dear piggies. They look well and happy. I always think fostering is the most unselfish of all animal rescue acts.

As for utility companies. I hear ya!