Saturday, June 5, 2010

Catching up and letting go - Part 1

To say that it has been a difficult week would be an understatement. I am still getting used to the loss of my shadow, my pacer, my sweet orange boy. Although I have three dogs here, the house feels very empty.

There are four less paws to wipe today,
One less mouth to feed,
One less body shadows me,
One less dog in need,
And though the three that live here still
Have life to be enjoyed,
The one little guy who died this week
Has left the biggest void.

My friend Ellen arrived Thursday with her whippets Kinley and Logan. Yesterday we walked on the beach with Charley and Sadie, Kinley and Logan, and watched as a beautiful eagle overhead repeatedly swooped to the water, and a seagull practiced diving head first from a distance of about 20 feet. Then we drove to Cowichan Bay, where we stopped at the Grainery bakery and picked up fresh crab and spot prawns - There is nothing quite like making a huge mess eating whole crab for bringing on laughter as we chatted about our beloved animals and honoured Oliver’s memory.

The search for Luger is ongoing - I have talked with Karen, and we will not stop searching until we find him or his remains. He is a survivor, and the various reports of a large black dog, or a black "wolf", or a limping dog slipping through the bush or near homes in the Panorama Ridge area give us hope he will be found.

The SPCA garage sale last weekend was a HUGE success - HUGE to the tune of pulling in over $20,000 (YES, OVER TWENTY THOUSAND) dollars for the Cowichan and District SPCA.

Today my Belle is not doing well, and I am off to the vet with her very shortly. Last night she awoke me at 2:30 needing out and was reluctant to come back in. Her respiration is rapid, her heartrate is fast, she refused her breakfast and a treat (something the Princess NEVER does), and she has had a few brief episodes of gagging and a small amount of vomiting, her mouth is open and she has refused water. She is no longer barking her little commands to me. She is not herself, and so off we go to another vet I don’t know – why do my animals always choose weekends to need vet care???

But unlike my physically hearty Oliver, Belle has been frail for some time now and I have been this route several times before with her. But it is worrisome when my singing sheltie isn’t singing. I will keep you posted.

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