Friday, March 21, 2008

Beautiful faces

I think some of the most beautiful faces I have ever seen are the faces of the elderly. Full of lines carved from years of work and joy and sorrow, full of character and grace and softness yet strength, framed in grey hair, pale sometimes watery eyes full of wisdom – these are the faces of people who have lived life to the fullest, who have survived, loved, been loved.

The faces that come to mind when I think of beautiful faces are those of my mother, my aunts, my grandmother. I think, too, of a woman who blessed me with her support when I was a struggling single parent at university and who at age 95 was still delivering meals for Meal on Wheels, and of another who in her 90s is still an activist for women's equality. These seniors have faces full of character that reflect their many and varied lived experiences. They have beautiful faces.

As I was thinking about this today while I sat on the bench at the top of the rise in the pasture, I happened to catch sight of Charley’s face. And I am suddenly aware of the white muzzle, the white eyebrows that continually give her a slightly surprised expression, the flecks of grey and white fur that increasingly stretch along the sides of her long collie nose towards the eyes and around the ears.

When did my dog get old? Perhaps I just hadn’t noticed it before, but with Sadie's dark black face for comparison it caught me off guard. Did she always have white eyebrows? Did she always have so much white in with the black? And so I started looking back through some old photos – she didn’t have those white eyebrows as a pup. It looks like they appeared some time in the last two years. I wonder if Sadie (who is 8 or 9 to Charley’s almost-11) will develop the same markings as she ages?

Charley really does have a beautiful face, a face full of character, a face reflecting a long life lived well. She has aged just as my mother has aged, just as I am aging. She has a face full of joy and inquisitiveness, a face of acceptance, a face that reflects a mind at ease with her world. And so it is her beautiful face that I want to share with you tonight:

Charley age 3 months

Charley age 7

Charley age 8

Charley age 10

Charley Mar 21, 2008 Age 10 years 9 months


Anonymous said...

Hi Jean,
I could relate to this post. I previously worked with the elderly when I was only in my 20's and at that time considering a career in nursing.Listening to the elderly, their life, their past hopes and dreams, their life's ups and down, the history of past generations, yes,the struggles of women. All the listening to the elderly made me re-consider my career from nursing to social services. The elderly are not always sick from physical ailments; they are sick from the broken dreams, broken hearts, and loneliness. It is a shame when society rejects older people as not worthy (much like you have mentioned older dogs are not as adoptable);we can learn so much from past generations.

Jean (I'll understand if you don't post this, it may be a bit long and rambling on... I guess I miss my mom...especially at Easter.

Karen said...

Charley is truly beautiful.

One of my favorite quotes:

No Spring, nor Summer beauty hath such grace
As I have seen in one Autumnal face. (John Donne)

Anonymous said...

Awww Charley, I happen to love those now white eyebrows and the whitened muzzle... You look like you've had some fun dusting your face with icing sugar. You are beautiful!!!


Anonymous said...

That is the best ever smile !!!! I iwll have to steal her when i am over next time for sure!!

Hearts On Noses

Anonymous said...

Ah those white eye brows. You now match Archie. First his right, I think, eye lases turned white. He looked funny, then the other turned white. He now has a matching pair, as well as a white face. Gives him dignity. I then looked at my own face. Those wrinkles weren't there before. but now they are. We all get older and it showes in our faces. I'm proud of my wringles and I hope Archie is proud of his grey face. Charley you are beutiful in your old age and stll young at heart as are Archie and I.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful girl Charley is. Looks awfully sweet too.
