By Mitzi
Well! If Mama Jean isn't going to blog about me, I'll just flex mah little paws an hop up on de chair in front of de computer, and TAKE OVER! DOGS RULE!
It's a MUTINY!
Ah'm takin' over! |
A couple of weeks ago I had a misadventure. I know Mama Anita told Mama Jean about my leg before I came to live here. I know she did. She said "If you see Mitzi licking her foot, just say '
Mitzi! No Lick!' and she will stop." And just in case I didn't stop, she sent along my cute little white socks and my big plastic
cone of shame Easter Bonnet.
But I guess with all the stress of moving, and since licking mah foot is a comfort thing, I kinda snuck around licking it when Mama Jean wasn't looking. Like when she was sleepin'. Or out. Or on the computer. In other words, most of the time.
Mama Jean did try "
Mitzi! No Lick!". And she did try the sock. And she did try the
cone of shame Easter Bonnet. But I managed to do a real number on that foot and eventually Mama Jean had to take me to the vet. Where they shaved mah leg! And gave me a bunch of pills to take! And wrapped it in a bandage which Mama Jean was to keep dry and then remove after 24 hours.
The grass waz wet so Mama Jean put a funny purple balloon thing over it when I went outside. I didn't like that, even if it was a pretty colour.
Ah'm NOT a happy camper! |
Anyway, long story short (because typing on a compooter is NOT easy fer a dog), it STILL hasn't healed even though Mama Jean is making me wear the
cone of shame Easter Bonnet almost all the time. So I might have to go back to the vet. I don't mind the bonnet at all - it doesn't bother me in the least - but I do think Mama Jean should make it look pretty by drawing some flowers on it, don't you?
Ah'm a girly dog. Ah need a
BOOTIFUL bonnet.
Colour it, Mama Jean! |
In other news, I haz been helping Mama Jean in the garden, as there are two yards of dirt to be shovelled from the driveway to the raised beds.
[Mama Jean: Ahem, excuse me Mitzi, you have been HELPING? Is that what you call climbing all over the dirt and getting in the path of the wheelbarrow?]
I was SNOOPERVISING!! I am a very good snoopervisor. Wait till you see how well I snoopervise the planting and watering and picking of flowers and veggies!
Anyway, Mama Jean has been very busy, helping wiv other animals like the lost dog Levi who is still missing, and taking photos of a marine rescue, and taking hundreds and hundreds of photos of a float home being moved into town, and writing fer the newspaper, and doing STUFF. I dunno what, just STUFF.
And Eddie is fine. And this afternoon we haz a friend coming for the weekend while her humans go away. Her name is Chelsea Dawn - izn't dat booootiful? She is a DUCK TOLLING RETRIEVER. I hopes she doesn't think I'm a duck to be tolled. Or retrieved. Or whatever. Mama Jean will take lots of pictures of her. You just have to tell Mama Jean to get back to blogging and show you her photos of all this stuff.
Iz boring when Mama Jean's busy. Or Lazy. Or Whatever. |
Your friend,