Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Calling Duncanites

The search for Levi is re-focusing on the Duncan area, as there have been a number of reports from around here.  Tracy, Levi's owner, is staying with me tonight (Monday) and we are going to be putting up as many posters as we can tomorrow - she has already done some of the key areas today, where a dog similar to Levi was reported being seen.

If you can put up posters for us  - particularly anywhere dog people congregate or where transients frequent - please contact me via the email link on the side of the blog and I will make sure we get some posters to you and coordinate efforts so we aren't sending people out to areas already done.  Even if you are not available Tuesday, but can poster in the next few days, your help will be appreciated.

The search is still going on in the Qualicum area, with mixed reports about the size and colour of the dog dragging the rope - no one has yet obtained a photo of it so still don't know if it is Levi.  One person who saw it there is "1000%" positive it is not, but another describes the dog as a small sheltie-like dog with black, gray and tan.


Dom said...

Fingers crossed so tight for a safe return :(

Anonymous said...

Thank you for supporting Levi's owner in her search for her beloved pet. I was in the Coombs and Parksville area yesterday and saw flyers about Levi everywhere. I am wishing with all my heart that Levi is found soon and returns home.