I’d hoped my next love would be big and strong, with short straight
reddish or blond hair. A generous
smile, affectionate, a good cuddler and kisser.
My love would enjoy hiking and swimming, have a long easy stride, a
passion for the outdoors, and youthful enough to stay active for years to come. A country-lovin’ best friend who would consider me
the centre of the world. A yellow lab, I
thought, or a pitbull cross, like the ones I’ve loved before. Maybe five or six
years old.
So when my terminally ill cousin asked me to become Mitzi’s next
mama, I confess I felt a twinge of sadness that didn’t just stem from her
impending death. Mitzi was a little
frou-frou dog – all of eight pounds, with white curly hair, a twelve year old rather independent dog who didn’t care for cuddles and kisses and was quite happy
left at home napping on her dainty little pillow. A purebred Bichon Frise – even the
name sounded prissy.
But family is family, and my love of dogs is legend, and so
I welcomed Mitzi into my home.
And promptly fell head over heels in love.
Not since Lucy have I met a dog with such a big personality,
full of silliness and spunk and infinite energy. She is funny and expressive, boisterous and
playful, and yet she also chooses to snuggle tightly against me all night
There isn't a day goes by that some antic or another doesn't make me think “Oh I must blog
about this!” or that I try, in vain, to
capture her personality with the camera – her little upraised chin, her
penetrating dark eyes, staring at me as
if to say “And just WHAT have you done with my real mama?”. I wish I could share with you her many wonderful
vocalizations - she has finally stopped whining and now expresses herself in little barks and growls
and grumbles and squeeks. I’d like to
show you her wild zoomies around the house as she playbows to me, to the cat, to
Eddie, and insists – INSISTS – we chase her.
Around and around and around I go, as she hides around corners, flies
across furniture, and does a slider into the homebase mat that would be the
envy of every Little League player in Canada.
In the next few days, I will try to share a few stories and
pictures of Mitzi, the tiny white furball that took my heart by storm.
Life around here will never be the same.
You can say that again! Ah'm in charge now! |