Apparently, certain animals think that the area they are in at any given time isn’t quite as good as the area just beyond their own particular barrier.
The dogs, who would have loved to spend the whole day in the pasture, settled for hanging around with me - mostly sitting right in the flowerbeds I was trying to work on. But we did have a couple of runs in the fields, where Belle pondered the neighbour's property and wondered if the grass might be greener:

Martin, after breakfast in his pen, asked to go into the pasture and then decided the lawn would be an even better choice.

The piggies thought they should be on the lawn or in the pasture, rather than the pig yard. The piggies have a point. It has only taken a few short weeks to turn their enlarged pigyard into a rather sparse dirt yard. Hard to believe that if the pigyard had not been expanded, the brown area in this photo would be as green as the area behind it!

Poor piggies – they know a rip off when they see it! And some of them are quite persistant in their attempts to get that nice green blade of grass growing on the other side of the fence.

Martin loves to come in the back yard, especially just after the grass has been mowed. He likes to nibble the dandelions, which is just fine with me. So for a while, I put the dogs in the house, and let Martin into the yard. He wandered around, nibbling while I worked, until he had finally had his fill of dandelions and wandered back into the pasture through the open gate – where seconds later he was sound asleep in the sun:

He had a little nap and then for the next hour or so sat up watching me build the compost bin:

The pigs were pretty quiet, so I tiptoed around to see what they were up to. They, too, had exhausted themselves and were flaked out in the dirt:

I slipped into the house where the dogs were also sleeping. But one more critter was thinking the grass was greener on the other side:

Sorry Allie, but it’s a dangerous world out there for a little itty bitty kitty. You will live much longer, healthier, and happier just where you have always lived – indoors.
Hi Jean,
Great pics of Martin, Belle (the back of her)Allie,and the piggies.
Where are Charley and Sadie? Did they not think the "grass is always greener" or are they content in their own backyard?
Belle is just as pretty from behind!! Cute picture of her.
And I'm glad Allie is indoors only, I believe it's the best life (and of course safest) for cats.
Lou, I did take a couple of shots of Charley and Sadie yesterday, but they were lying on the bark mulch in the garden where I was working - and they hardly show up!
Belle is so photogenic - her shots always work out no matter where she is sitting!
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