Sunday, January 22, 2017

Morrell Nature Sanctuary

My blog posts will continue to be few and far between - or at least short - for the next several weeks or months,   as even a few minutes on the computer exacerbates the torn deltoid muscle and/or torn rotator cuff and/or smushed joint (there's a five month wait for the ultrasound to determine the exact problem) in my injured right arm.  Living with constant pain is no fun; waking up in the middle of the night with the whole arm in agony from five minutes on the computer is even less fun.  However, this is as good a time as any to add to the blog some photos of hikes I did last fall - photos I edited and watermarked and posted on facebook back then, but never posted here.  I'll forgo commentary other than to tell you the location. 

This set was from a hike around the Morrell Nature Sanctuary in Nanaimo last October.  You'll find more information about the sanctuary on their website.

These were a few of my favourite photos from that beautiful fall day:

First glimpse of Morrell Lake

Grass Reflections
What would a nature sanctuary be without ducks?


CarolineA said...

Jean find a good acupuncturist, that will help your arm a great deal.

love the pics, what a tranquil area!

Jean said...

Caroline, unfortunately they are just too expensive in this area.