Wednesday, February 6, 2008

It takes so little......

……to make me happy! This morning the water lines in the barn have finally thawed. What a difference it makes to be able to refill the animal’s dishes there instead of hauling five gallon pails from the house over slippery, snow and ice covered paths. Twelve pigs equals about ten gallons a day, and another four or five for the alpaca – that’s a lot of heavy hauling for this aching body. So YAYAYYYY!!!!!!

And to make the day even better, Scotch emerged from his catatonic, depressed state of mind and ventured outside with the others this morning - the first time in two or three weeks. He was rewarded with fresh cherries and bananas, and I sprinkled a half box of stale cereal among the hay and alfalfa for all to enjoy.

We still have a long way to go before it will look spring-like around here – the driveway is thick with ice from the thawing and freezing, and the rain in the city is fresh snow up here. The dogs are impatient to run free in the pasture again, but the thick crust of frozen snow/ice over softer melting snow below makes for very difficult walking for me and for the dogs. Instead, they wait impatiently for the promised warmer weather and settle for rides in the car and runs in off leash parks in milder areas.

Dogs in the driveway

Dogs waiting for a walk

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