Monday, February 25, 2008

How to feel really, really, really, really bad

1. Play with piggies, and have a blast doing it.

2. Feed piggies, and laugh at their antics as they fight for food.

3. Start to put piggies to bed, thinking warm fuzzy thoughts of them.

4. Get sidetracked before closing the barn door.

5. Remember the barn door an hour later when you look outside and see it is dark.

6. Go through pig yard, close barn door, and realize you have to step over 12 pigs who are fast asleep and so, so, so very cute buried in the straw and covered with their blankies which they have studiously pulled over themselves with their itty bitty mouths. Aaaaaawwwwww!

7. Accidently trip over one litle piggy that you thought was just a pile of straw, and send all ten piglets screaming in panic to the barn door – which is now closed so there is no escape. Ooohh nooooooo! Babies, don’t be scared! It’s just me, Foster Mama! Please, go back to bed…..Ohhhh, I’m so sorry I disturbed you!

8. Get the evil eye from Scotch and Soda, whose snouties, eyes and ears are peering up at you from a pile of straw, and who are clearly saying “Do you MIND??? We just got them all settled and tucked in!!!! Sheesh!!"

9. Slink out of barn and promise yourself that you will not get sidetracked putting the piggies to bed again. Feel really, really, really, really bad.

Hmmmm...On the other hand, Scotch and Soda, if you and your family slept in the OTHER stall like I wanted, I wouldn’t have to clamber over all of your babes to get through to the main part of the barn. But NOOOOOO, you had to drag every bit of straw from the other stall to this one, and pile it all up by the gate, and move right in to the space that was “supposed” to be an access route. “Sheesh” to you too!!!

There, now I don’t feel so bad.

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