Hi everyone! It's me, Maggie. I have a pretty nice Mama, so today I told her she could take the day off from editing about a zillion eagle photos, and I'd take her to the park instead.
I would have made breakfast for her, since it is Mama's Day, but I'm not allowed to use the stove. Or open the fridge. Or order delivery on the phone. Okay, I'm not only 'not allowed' but as I don't have opposable thumbs those things are pretty tricky for a sheltie. I'm smart, but not THAT smart!
So, I suggested we have a nice walk in the park. Craig Bay Heritage Park, to be exact. It's always quiet, and there's grassy paths, and a bit of beach, and lovely views, and now that it is spring there are also flowers and lotsa birds. So I even suggested she bring her camera along. And I promised I wouldn't hog the lens.
I think she had a nice time. These are some of the photos she took. I dunno the names of all the flowers but I know a couple of them. Mama probably knows the others but she's asleep already 'cause I wore her right out!
This is camas lily I thinks. |
And these are some type of blue bell.
These are rhodos. Mama said they might be wild ones, but most likely they were planted many years ago when the property used to be a homestead or later a campground. |
We saw birds too - some heron and something flying in the sky:
And guess what else we saw? A bunny! But he runned away when I shouted hi to him. Mama said I should use my indoor voice when we see other critters. I forgots.
We saw a little humming bird on the end of a bare branch. He is always there, every time we go. But he is real because he moves his head to look at us sometimes. I think he just likes to watch the ocean and listen to the waves - just like my Mama does.
I kinda forgot I said I wouldn't hog the lens, and when Mama was trying to photograph a flower I kinda got in the way - hehehehehe!
This was the flower she was trying to get before my snout got in the way:
So I think Mama had a pretty nice day. Maybe tomorrow she'll get back to editing the kazillion eagle photos she took on Friday. Don't tell her, but I'll give you a sneak peak at one of them:
I hope you gave your Mama a nice Mother's Day too, or if she's gone to the Rainbow Bridge, I hope you thought of her today.
I love my Mama. Happy Mother's Day to all the mamas out there!
Love, Maggie.