Thursday, July 16, 2020

Maggie, Before and After

Ms Maggie usually goes to the groomer once a month - her multiple allergies in the environment (as well as food, though that is easier to control) cause her skin to break out in hives and sores.  Keeping it impeccably clean and bathing her with a special shampoo helps keep it under control - not to mention getting rid of some of her thick undercoat and helping her feel better.

But due to Covid, and complicated by her groomer's own non-Covid-related health issues, she hadn't been in three months.  Regular brushing at home helped, but she was looking pretty darn scruffy the past couple of months. 

Maggie, Before
"What?  I'z not dirty, mom, I'z just wet 'n sandy!"

Today, she finally got her spa day - bath, pedicure, trim, blow dry, brush, the whole nine yards.  Both of us feel a lot better now.  But what really made me smile?  Her reaction when she saw her groomer! 

As you know, Mags is a VERY timid dog.  She doesn't let others near her.  She has let a very small handful of people ever touch her - perhaps four or five - and those were very good and familiar friends of mine with food  - like my hiking buddies when we stop for lunch. But usually her anxiety around people is so high that she won't even look at food , let alone allow them to approach.  She doesn't initiate contact (except on those hiking lunches), and I'm the only one she lets cuddle her.

But today?  Her groomer was sitting on the floor and my timid don't-come-near-me sheltie walked straight over to her and practically climbed in her lap for pats and cuddles.  No treats involved.  A stranger in the room with us (a new helper Maggie hadn't met).  But my shy girl just barrels in and demands some loving!  What a milestone for Maggie - and what a thrill for me to see that she likes her groomer That Much! 

Maggie was all tired out once she got home, so didn't want to stand for a photo shoot, but did agree to pose near the geraniums as long as she could lie down. 

Maggie, After
"I'm too tired to smile."


Marie said...

Oh, Maggie, how beautiful you look now, however how tired you also look, lol It plays a girl out to go to the spa and all you want to do is sleep afterwards. I'm sorry to hear that you have a problem with your skin but Mommy seems to have it all under control, she's a really smart Mom you know with lots of experience with animals. I've had experience with your shyness around people but I want to assure you that most people only have goodness in their heart and don't mean you any harm. Besides, your Mommy is usually right beside you and we all know how much she loves and cares for you, so try and not to worry.

Sheryl said...

You are a beautiful girl, Maggie. What a lovely coat you have.

Mark said...

Looking good Maggie. You must like being brushed to allow someone other than Mummy close to you. our Molly loves people but hates being brushed even by Mummy as soon as she sees a comb or brush she is off. Lady May on the other hand loves it.

Take care and Stay Safe all.
Mark, Del & the Royals