The following photo essay is the combined photography effort of Mary (Tarben's mom, and my neighbour) and myself, taken on the Wednesday Walk yesterday.
A wee bit of background: Drew, the reddish-blond dog, loves to go after sticks in the water. Tarben, the bulldogge, hates water but does love to gnaw on sticks. Crofton Lake has a dike running along its shore - raised well above the edge of the water.
And THIS is what we observed yesterday afternoon - a true testament to the determination, perseverance and problem-solving abilities of our canine companions. Please note, there was absolutely NO human intervention in the feat you are about to observe.'s a fine looking stick
(Note its postion in the water)
Someone help me get it out of here!
See, ya gotta spin it a bit like this!
Watch those splinters, though - yuk!
A little closer...

Amost got it!
Okay, someone wanna throw this for me????
Somebody? Anybody? Whatd'ya mean it's too big??
Looks fine to me.....just gotta get it out of this yucky wet stuff!
Maybe if I grab it with my mouth?
and pull.......
And pull.....
Maybe a little leap will help....
Or a push from this angle...
Or I'll drag it wiv my mouf
Umphf - almost got it!
That's more like it!
I'll just walk this end up to the top....
This is good.
Now to get that other end away from the wet stuff.
Arrrghhh! H e a v y !
Amost there....
Did it! It won't roll back into that yucky, yucky wet stuff now!
Now, where's that perfect chewing spot?
Ahhhh.....nom nom nom nom nom.........