Sunday, April 3, 2022

Hello from Maggie!

 Hello there!  Good morning!  Happy Spring!  My mama's been doing a lot of posts about hikes, so I just wanted to make sure you don't forget your real reason for following her blog - the critters!  Okay, more accurately, critter. Singular.  Just little ol' me.

When she began this blog eons ago, there were a whole big bunch of animals - lotsa dogs and a cat and a bunch of piggies and an alpaca.  Now there's just me.  Do you think she should change the name of the blog?  Or does 'critters' include the birds and otters and sea lions and other wild things she sometimes posts photos of? I dunno.

Anyway, these are a few photos from our walk in Craig Bay Park on Thursday.  It was a nice sunny day.  We saw an eagle.  And the eagle's nest. That's one huuuu-mungous nest! Two dozen shelties could fit in there, I betcha.  If it weren't waaay up high in a tree. 

I sat on the grass whenever anyone else or their dog came by.  I always do that.  Everyone says I have nice manners. (Well, except when I bark like crazy when someone comes to the house. Then I'm just annoying.....whatever that means.  I'm just protecting my mama!). 

If you came to visit me I would let you come to the park with us.  We could sit on this bench and watch the herons and ducks and eagles.  I'd like that. You would too, I bet!

I hopes you haz a nice day!

Love, Maggie. 


Marie said...

HI Maggie, how nice to see another posting by you, it's so refreshing to read your thoughts.
What a beautiful walk you guys had and yes, I'd love to join you and sit on that bench, however I don't think that will come to pass as I live a long way from you.
Anyhow I can enjoy Mom's hikes and your walks when I read the blog and no, tell her don't change the name of it either. After all, you guys are known far and wide as the ones from My Life With the Critters and we wouldn't know you under any other name. Hope you have a really good day and give Mom a hug for me, okay? Marie

Mark said...

Hi Maggie. It looks like spring has arrived for you and you are able to get out and about without getting all yuckky. The writing on the back of the bench should say " Come sit with me a Whale". Take care and enjoy your days out with Mama Jean.

Mark, Del & Lady May