Friday, February 25, 2022

A Sunny Day, by Maggie

Hi Everyone, it's me, Maggie.  Again.  My mama has gone hiking and left me allllll alone.  The nice neighbour person will come get me  in a couple of hours and take me home to her place, but until then I'm alllll alone.  So I figured I'd post some photos Mama took yesterday when we went to Craig Bay Heritage Park.  We likes that place a lot.  And it was a bootiful sunny day.  This time, we drove to the far side so I wouldn't hafta walk down the hilly trail to reach the best part,  as I has a sore paw.  The far end borders on a pretty neighbourhood with walkways and waterways and little bridges and everything running through it.  

Mama says if we wins the lottery we will buy a place here.  I told her she has to buy a ticket to win a lottery.  Hahahahaha.  

Anyways, we took a moment to enjoy the reflections in the pond or lagoon or stream or whatever it is that runs through the development and then turned to meander across the fields to our usual path along the bay.  

The mountains across the sea has lots of snow on them still.

But no snow here.  It was green and sunny and spring-like. We saw a lovely little patch of deep purple crocuses - much deeper than the pale ones at the other end of the park, the ones we showed you the other day. 

I wanted to go down on the sandy beach to jump over logs and jump up on logs and walk along logs and pose on logs, but Mama said we couldn't.  There wasn't a sign to say we couldn't but Mama thinks this is still part of the protected wildlife area  that is closed for Brant geese migration, and besides she said I couldn't get sand in my sore paw.

See my sore paw?  I'z got a bandage and a sock on it, but my sock got a bit dirty walking through the fields. 

It's sore because I got a flare up of that furry uncle thing's a big word.....let me go look in Mama's file cabinet for my medical records....Dang, Mama's files are a mess.......dah-dum-dah-dum-da-dum oh - here it is! I haz inter-digital fur-un-cul-osis.  See, furry uncul. Told ya.  It's an autoimmune thing, whatever that means.  All I know is the spaces between my toes and around my pads gets really, really sore and cracked and infected sometimes. And then I hasta get my feets wiped a lot with some special cloths, and ointment on them, and bandages and socks.  And sometimes I hasta wear a soft cone of shame so I don't chew my sock and pull it off. 

Anyway, enough about that.  I tried to pose on the area above the beach but the sun was in my eyes so I is squinting.  But it's no big deal because you saw this view before, in the last post or maybe a couple a posts ago. I always sits here to pose. 

So, what else?  Hmmm.  I think that's about all the photos Mama took yesterday.  And I think I hear the neighbour's door opening which means she's coming to get me so I can spend the rest of the day keepin' her company and lying on her couch wiv her.  So I better go.  Mama will probably have some photos from her hike in a day or two.  Won't she be surprised to see I wrote this while she was gone?!

Love, yer pal Maggie. xxoooxx


Marie said...

Hi, Maggie, you sure are going to surprise your Mama with another post by you and an interesting one as well. I'm very sorry you have a sore paw and hope it gets better soon, how be you quit chewing the bandage off so that you don't have to wear the crown of shame? Think that's a good idea? Have a wonderful day and thanks for the update. XX Marie

Anonymous said...

Hey dere Maggie, Molly here. So sorry ta hear yas gots a sore paw, a furry uncle sounds ouchie... gitz bedder soon...Milk it fer all its worth, dat way ya getz wots of tweats... look sad, they always fall fer dat... Tanks fer da updates, keep blogging, an showin us yur momma's pix. I know my momma enjoys them a lot.. XX Miss Molly gotta go momma's comin...