Sunday, October 7, 2018

Just putting these here.... you don't think I've moved to another planet.  I haven't finished selecting and editing the Saratoga photos (though I've whittled the 400 or so down to about 40), and I've been busy getting ready for the move (9 more sleeps), and Allie is not doing well right now (kidney failure, may be in final stage now), but I did pop over to a friend's place for a Thanksgiving lunch (Pat and the Poms - they served a stew baked inside a pumpkin that was both seasonal and delicious!) and spent an hour photographing Parker, the newest addition to their family.  Since those photos weren't as numerous and really didn't need any editing, I'll post them here to give you something to look at while you have your morning coffee. 

And in case you wondered what that stew-in-a-pumpkin looked like, here it is:

I'm very thankful for friends like Pat, who make me laugh, listen to me babble on about moving, come on mini vacations with me, hike with me, and share my love of dogs.....oh, and feed me great food and send me home with leftovers!  Thanks, Pat.

And I'm thankful for my blog readers, who tolerate my long absences and who give me a welcoming audience for my stories and photos.  Happy Thanksgiving!


sobe said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you, Allie and Maggie!

Marie said...

HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Oh, my goodness, could there be anything cuter than a young Pom puppy! Welcome, Parker, to the group.
Nice to hear from you, Jean and as usual, great pictures.

Sheryl said...

Mmmmm. The stew looks good! And the puppy is adorable.
Hope your move goes smoothly.

Sheryl said...

Mmmmm. The stew looks good! And the puppy is adorable.
Hope your move goes smoothly.
And, Happy Thanksgiving.