Thursday, December 15, 2016

Pretty as an old colourized picture

I was going to do a blog post tonight about a hike I did a couple of weeks ago around Hemer Park. But by the time I caught up on email and checked into facebook, I was too tired to edit and watermark and resize the photos, and it was already past my bedtime.  However, one photo in particular caught my eye - a small pond we passed, thick with iridescent green algae, pinkish-red twigs of leafless shrubs in the background:

For some reason, it reminded me of my parent's wedding photo - back in the days when colour photography was in its infancy and talented wedding photographers either used colour additives to provide some semblance of basic colour, or used the newly marketed 'tripak' with blue, yellow and red emulsions or layered filters.  Effective, yes, though often not quite accurate.

Mom and Dad, 1941

The photo of the pond at Hemer park,  while having more intense colour, seemed just as strangely colourized with not-quite-accurate hues of nature.   It appears that life does, indeed, imitate art.


CarolineA said...

You are right! I kept looking at the first picture thinking there was something almost unnatural about it. WOW Mother Nature has some cool tricks up her sleeve It IS hard to take my eyes away from it!

Mark said...

The colourised picture of your Mum & Dad is pretty good, I have had some pictures developed by a well known U.K. drug store chain and the colours were appalling. purple evergreen trees and brownish snow on a ski hill in the Alps, and this was in 2000.
Digital cameras are so much better even if Nature throws out some weird colours from time to time.