Life with the critters is always entertaining, whether it be polar dogs or mischievous cats, pouty piggies or amazing alpacas. But critters in the natural environment are no less entertaining or fascinating to watch, and last week's travels around the Cowichan area were no exception. Here are some of the many critters we saw on our touristy traipses. (Click on any picture to enlarge, then use back browser to return to blog)
This was a strange looking critter - like a hairy, shell-less crab. I know hermit crabs lose their shells, but never knew the large orange crabs to do so. Yet this guy was clearly alive and healthy - and about eight inches across:

Then, of course, there are the sea birds (I hope I got their names right - feel free to correct me if I've guessed wrong!):

At Osborne Bay Park we saw a purple starfish:

And then there are the crows:

And the semi-feral cats who live in the brush along the shoreline:

And one sad, sad finding: I do believe Gumby has drowned - washed up on shore, like a piece of driftwood:

R.I.P. Gumby. I hope Pokey made it to safety.