(For those new to the blog: This letter is to the ten little piggies who were born in my care just after their mama and papa, Scotch and Soda, were seized in a cruelty case and delivered to my barn for fostering in the summer of 2007.)
Dear Whisper, Toddy, Derby, Rickey, Swizzle,
Spritzer, RobRoy, Lizzie, Fizzy, and Tom,
I did it again. I
was thinking your birthday was July 30th, but it’s not. It was
yesterday – July 28th. And I missed it. I hope someone had a party
for you! If they forgot, you tell the next person you see that it is time for
your birthday treat. Remember to say "please".
You are FIVE years
old now. FIVE! I bet you've grown a whole bunch since I took this photo:
Soda and babies, 24 hours old. July 29, 2007 |
Or even this one:
We needs a bigger pool, foster mama! |
Remember the 'cake' I made for
your first birthday?
Angel food for angelic piggies! |
And how handsome Whisper
looked in his party hat?
It's standing on top of my happy bristles, foster mama! |
Where did the time go? I hope you are all
being good piggies for The Piggy Lady and her helpers. And I hope you are
taking care of Mama Soda and Papa Scotch. You are all so lucky they were rescued by the SPCA and Hearts on Noses Mini-Pig Sanctuary.
This morning I thought maybe one of you had snuck on the ferry and come to visit me. I was having my morning coffee when suddenly I heard 'snort snort snuffle snuffle snort' and right away your cute little faces popped into my mind. But of course, it wasn't you because you are all safely at the Sanctuary. You see, our friend Georgi is staying with us while her mama is away and - well - she snorts just like a piggy! Yes she does!
Did you have to tell the world that I sound like a piggy? Royalty does NOT snort! |
She's a very nice guest, and almost as much fun to have around as a herd of wee little pigs.
Do you remember Sadie, Charley, Belle and Oliver, the four dogs who lived with us and liked to herd you under the hazelnut trees?
Belle: Excuse me, Mr. Pig, you need to move over by the others. |
And you too, little pig. I'm a Shetland Sheepdog - er Pigdog - and my job is to herd you. |
That's better! They're all together now. See what I did, mama? I'm so proud of me! |
They have all gone to the rainbow bridge now - all four dogs who moved to the island with me just three short years ago. And last time I drove past our old farm, the hazelnut trees were gone too. So were those lovely big cedars that gave so much shade along the front of our property. That made me sad, but life changes and you are safe and happy, and I am safe and happy, and that is what counts.
The old property has been clear-cut. |
The weather here has been hot and dry, so I haven't been doing too much other than enjoying a little hiatus from volunteering and writing. Mostly Eddie (my new dog - you haven't met him yet, piggies, but probably will soon!) and I have been watching the tides come and go
Tide's in at Osborne Bay |
The extension to the Sea Walk is progressing nicely. |
and doing a bit of hiking
Are there any treats in yer pack, mama? I'm hungry, not thirsty! |
at Swallowfield, for example.
Swallowfield estuary |
We have been watching the garden grow,
Slowly, it's growing very slowly! |
And the flowers bloom,
Back patio hanging baskets |
Side patio hanging basket |
And I finished building a great big planter.
Waiting for dirt and fall planting with shrubbery |
We've been watching baby birds learn to fly,
Wheeee! |
Did you see that? I flew all the way from that house! |
And just lying around in the sun,
Happy Eddie in the yard |
And thinking of you every day.
I miss you all and I
hope I see you soon.
Happy Belated
Birthday, little piggies.
Foster Mama.